Split your job search workload with us

If you only apply to jobs directly, you're basically a one-man show. When you stop applying, your job hunt stops too.

Instead, let us help you find your next job. Simply create a jobseeker account with us, and we'll help you find suitable job opportunities even while you sleep.

Create jobseeker account
How it works
1. Create a TalentTribe jobseeker account

Upload your CV/resume & complete your profile in My Account.

Remember: the more accurate & up-to-date your details are, the better job recommendations you'll receive. So keep your profile updated!

2. Wait for interview offers
Every time employers engage us to fill their open roles, we'll look through our database of jobseekers for suitable candidates.

If you get shortlisted, we'll inform you via your registered email or mobile to share more details about the job.

3. Accept or decline the interview offer(s)
After reviewing the job details, you can decide whether you'd like to go for the job interview.

If you do, congrats! It's time to start your interview prep. But if you don't, just let us know. We'll continue to help you look out for suitable roles :)

Create jobseeker account
Why share your CV with us?

Directly applying to jobs will only be effective as long as you're putting in the work.
But with us, you'll spread your net wider & job search even while you sleep.

Skip the HR filters & go straight to the interview
Hundreds, or even thousands of other applicants are fighting to get their resumes noticed.

But that won't be a problem for you, because you'll get a fast-track to the job interview.

Access jobs that don't make it to job portals
Not all open jobs get posted on job portals. Sometimes, the jobs you really want are 'hidden'.

Gain access to such jobs when employers engage us to find candidates for them.

Take advantage of our industry connections
We've built strong relationships with lots of employers, and you get to enjoy the benefits of that.

Because when we fill roles for them, we'll always look to our own jobseekers first.

Stay on the radar, even if you're not hired
When your application gets rejected, your resume is usually discarded.

But not with us - we'll continue to bring you more opportunities even if you don't get hired.

Help me look for a job
What types of candidates
have the best shot?

This is based on the overall types of roles that employers engage us to fill.


Marketing & Comms, Finance, Sales & BD, Operations, HR

Software Engineering
Full-stack, Front-end, Back-end, Web, Mobile Developers
Product Managers, UI/UX Designers
Help me look for a job
Proud to help 1,000+ employers grow their teams with TalentTribe
Singtel logoBreadtalk logoPhilips logoGrab logoShopee logoTheSmartLocal logoSgag logoCircles lifeSephoraThe learning labShopback logoJustlogin logoTransferwise logoFave logoGushcloud
Have a bad experience with a recruitment firm before?Have a bab experience with
a recruitment firm before?
No naughty behaviour from us. Promise.

Recruitment firms have earned a bad reputation - and we understand why. So give us a chance, and let us do good by you. These are the promises we want to make to you & stick by.

Hire The Right Talent
We're licensed by MOM to provide placement services (EA Number: 21C0490). It's therefore in our best interest to follow their rules, because you can report us if we do something wrong.
Hire The Right Talent
If you want the interview, all the best to you and we'll even help you prep for it! But if you don't want it, just say 'No' and we'll respect your decision 100%.
Hire The Right Talent
Job hunting is stressful enough - you don't need more pressure from someone who's just chasing commissions. We'll avoid using language/tactics that force you into something you don't like.
Hire The Right Talent
You might be perfectly happy where you are right now. Great! Just let us know & we'll stop sending you job opportunities. You can opt back in whenever you decide to look for a new job.
No naughty behaviour from us. Promise.

Recruitment firms have earned a bad reputation - and we understand why. So give us a chance, and let us do good by you. These are the promises we want to make to you & stick by.

We won't do anything illegal
We're licensed by MOM to provide placement services (EA Number: 21C0490). It's therefore in our best interest to follow their rules, because you can report us if we do something wrong.
We won't pressure you to take a job
If you want the interview, all the best to you and we'll even help you prep for it! But if you don't want it, just say 'No' and we'll respect your decision 100%.
We won't bully you into anything
Job hunting is stressful enough - you don't need more pressure from someone who's just chasing commissions. We'll avoid using language/tactics that force you into something you don't like.
Upload CV now
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© 2021 TalentTribe Asia
Look inside different companies and careers. Apply for jobs and internships in Singapore.